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+380 (63) 120-20-90

Підсилювач з плеєром XY- P15W 2*15вт с блютус 5.0, джойстик 12-24в.

136 ₴

Мінімальна сума замовлення на сайті — 200 грн

  • В наявності 1 од.
Підсилювач з плеєром XY- P15W 2*15вт с блютус 5.0, джойстик  12-24в.
Підсилювач з плеєром XY- P15W 2*15вт с блютус 5.0, джойстик 12-24в.В наявності 1 од.
136 ₴
+380 (63) 120-20-90
+380 (63) 120-20-90
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Bluetooth 5.0 stereo audio power amplifier board 20Wx2

Bluetooth receiver DC 12~24V supply


Product Characteristics


Product Name

Bluetooth stereo audio power amplifier board

Product Model


Supply voltage

DC: 8~24V

Bluetooth version


Connect distance

15 meters(visible)

Output mode


Output power(@1KHz)

16W*2  @12V 4

10W*2  @12V 8

15W*2  @16V 8

20W*2  @20V 8

30W*2  @24V 8(cooling fan)

Speaker selected(30W~150W)

4(8~12V supply)

8(8~24V supply)

16(8~24V supply)


Power reverse protection

Short circuit protection

Thermal protection


Application circuit


PCB Size





Operation specification

Supply the module, the blue LED is on, and it goes into Bluetooth mode;Waiting for pairing after playing the audio tone; Turn on phone Bluetooth,XY-P15Wwill be searched and display; Click the

XY-P15W,it will connect to the board. It connects successfully with an audio tone; After this you can play the music. The power amplifier board will prepare for the next pairing with an audio tone, When the Bluetooth is disconnected.

Connecting as the following picture.


Physical display






1.        Keep 2 meters away from router to avoid WIFI interference

2.        8~24VDC is recommended; upper than 26V, it will be damaged.

3.        Driving 4 load, power supply must be under 12V; and driving 8 load, supply must be under 24V.

4.        The supply current must be 2A at least.

5.        If the module works upper 20W x 2, a cooling fin will be needed.

6.        The line connecting speaker with module should be within one meter.

7.        ESD protection, please release ESD on your hands before you contact the module.

8.        30W and upper power speakers is recommended.

Fault Check

1. Check the power supply if the LED is not bright.

2. If the LED is on, but Bluetooth device XY-P15Wis not searched, check if the router is in the near, and keep away from the router.

3. The speaker tapped when power on.

1)   Check that the speaker load is so small that the current through the speaker is enough for chip goes into DC protection. Try to lower the supply and restart.

2)   Check that if the power supply is low that cannot drive the speaker. 2A power supply current is ok.

4. Floor noise in speaker when playing

1)   Play another music to verify the noise is not related with music itself.

2)   Replace the speaker to check If the noise is caused by speaker itself.

3)   Replace the power supply to check If the noise is caused by unstable power.

5. It plays intermittently

1)    Check if the temperature of the board is high, and it goes into thermal protection.

2)    Check if the Bluetooth is unstable, adjust the angle between the connected device; And Check if a WIFI source is in the near.


Країна виробникКитай
ТипПідсилювач потужності
Кількість каналів2
Номінальна потужність20 Вт
Пікова потужність30 Вт/канал
Інформація для замовлення
  • Ціна: 136 ₴

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